Celebrating with proud Mom and Dad |
My mom knew from when I was little that I would love the water. Starting as a little blob jumping off the high dive in my yellow ring before my older brother might have been the tip off. But just like any young 6 and under swimmer, I was terrified of swimming by myself. I didn't want to be on swim team at all. As a young 6 and under, I would've never thought I would be swimming this long and I definitely wouldn't have thought I'd be enjoying it. All my siblings swam so it seemed normal for me to join in on the fun, but it was definitely a slow start. One summer morning, a swim team mom at the time, Mrs. Grady, told me she'd been "waiting for me." Obviously I didn't know exactly what she meant at that moment, but now it all makes sense. Not too long after that, I was moved to the 9-10 practice as an 8 and under and I was getting better and better. There's something about competitive swimming thats addictive, and it makes you strive to be your very best, something I loved. The Mount Vernon Park gators have been a second home for me in the summertime and I've met some of my closest friends in life, something I am oh so grateful for. Cassidy, thanks for being just as crazy as me during practice and in meets, just know I'll be back and always cheering you on wherever it may be :-)

If you think I'm old, you should know that I've had Coach Paul since age 7! I've seen his various different shoe phases: the Birkenstocks, the keens, and his many different asics, not to mention his obsession with coffee get worse and worse haha (love you Paul) As much as he makes fun of me, tells me to stop talking, yells at Cassidy and I for being obnoxious, I will miss you Coach Paul. One of my favorite memories (and trust me I have many), was our meet against Lakevale Estates in division 5. It was the last A meet that would have eventually given us an undefeated record. The meet was incredibly tight- but we beat them and we pushed Paul in the pool at the end. Nothing can quite measure up to that. I will miss so much about the gators; the sweaty Monday night B meets, the early morning A meets, the lunches afterwards, the thrilling All Star Relays, the Bolger All Star Relay parties, coaching the little ones, the 15-18 practices, and all of you!! So soak it all in, because trust me, it goes by all too fast.

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